Welcome to the Lake of the Woods Church!
If you’re a first-time visitor, we encourage you to plan your visit by following the link below. We have three services every Sunday morning. We invite you to try them all and choose the style best suited to you:

8:30 a.m. blended
A service blending elements of traditional and contemporary worship held in the Worship Center.

9:45 a.m. traditional
A traditional worship service with full adult choir in our Sanctuary.

11 a.m. contemporary
Upbeat praise and worship featuring contemporary music in the Worship Center.
Here are some of the features of our ministry we hope you will become involved in:
- Three Worship Services and three worship styles each Sunday, and a Communion Service on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m.
- A Vibrant Music Program featuring adult choir, praise team, and special programs at Christmas and Easter.
- Sunday School for all ages at 9:45 and 11:00 a.m., plus adult classes at 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00.
- Many Spiritual Growth Opportunities for children, youth and adults.